In Loving Memory
Blossom is a sweet little puppy that we rescued from a rural shelter in Tennessee on 3/3/04. It is unfortunately a shelter that has an EXTREMELY low success rate with adoptions, although the shelter workers do the best they can and call rescue organizations for help. Anyway, maybe it was fate that we got little Blossom. She was not the dog we intended to rescue from the shelter that day. We had been called about a Cocker Spaniel at that same shelter (which we later named Lucky) that was so matted everyone thought he would have to be put down – but we agreed to take him. But a SBRET volunteer couldn’t quit thinking about this funny looking little pup named Blossom, so she went back later that day to get her. She dropped Blossom off at the vet that day, and later we discovered that Blossom had parvo. We decided to treat her and see if she could pull through. The next morning we received the very sad news that Blossom did not make it.
Blossom was with us for such a short time that only one SBRET rescuer even had the opportunity to meet her. But not meeting her does not mean we didn’t all feel the sadness – the despair we feel when we know that puppies like Blossom die every day because people are too lazy or too cheap to get these poor babies vaccinated against diseases like these. On the other hand, we are comforted because we know that in Blossom’s case, instead of spending her last night on a cold floor in a shelter, she was safely resting in a warm veterinarian’s office and given the only chance she had at life. Even though we couldn’t save Blossom, we gave her a better last day here on earth than she would have had without us. So, little Blossom, we hope you are enjoying yourself and are again happy and healthy and playing at the Rainbow Bridge. Please know that even though we just met you, we loved you, and one day we’ll see you again. And we are honored to preserve your memory here on our website and hope by doing so others will remember you too. Bye, bye, little one.