Small Breed Rescue
of East Tennessee

Foxy and Roxy

Foxy and Roxy

In Loving Memory

Foxy and Roxy with Linda and Bob

6/16/18 update:   Foxy passed away in May, 2016 and Roxy passed away yesterday June 15, 2018. They were very special family members and both went to work with Linda each day for 5 years. They will be sadly missed.

Those we love don’t go away,
they walk beside us everyday.
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
so loved, so missed, so very dear.

March 2004:  Foxy and Roxy are doing very well in their new home with Linda and Bob. Housebreaking has gone very well, and they love getting baths. They also love Bob and are really getting along well with the grandchildren…actually jumping in their laps. It appears feelings are mutual since the boys are now wanting Chihuahuas instead of their Boston Terrier! Well, they aren’t just wanting Chihuahuas…they want Roxy and Foxy, but that’s not happening!!! The girls would never agree to leave Linda and Bob. The next task will be working on basic commands.

Roxy and Foxy with Linda

Roxy and Foxy with Bob

Roxy and Foxy with Linda