In Loving Memory
Midge – You were such a neglected little thing when I first saw you but you soon blossomed into a beautiful red headed furry bundle of love. You were always a quiet little thing and not the usual cuddly, lap sitter. This made you all the more endearing to me. You followed me everywhere and were happiest when you were by my side.
You loved to go for rides and eating was your favorite hobby. You would patiently wait for the cats to finish their dinner so you could rush in and clean up their plates. I’ll never forget the time at Pet Fest when you stalked Tyrine’s hot dog!
There are so many things I’ll miss about you – your cute little butt wiggle as you trotted ahead of me, your demanding bark when I wasn’t paying you enough attention or it was feeding time or pill time, the way you ducked your head for a shoulder scratch, and how you use to tease me making me think you wanted a pet and then running from me.
I have shed many tears over your passing but I know you now are no longer in any pain and can breath without any effort. Run and play little baby on that Rainbow Bridge. I’ll join you soon and we can cross over the bridge together.