Small Breed Rescue
of East Tennessee

Charlie(formerly Smiley)

Raimie and Charlie

This is Charlie, formerly known as Smiley, who was one of our first rescues. He was rescued from a Lyles, TN puppymill. When we first picked him up he was unrecognizable as a poodle. He was EXTREMELY matted and his hair appeared to be gray. It wasn’t until we started cutting the mats out that we saw that he was a white dog underneath all that filth! The other unusual thing about him was that he did not appear traumatized like the other dogs we had gotten from that puppymill. He had obviously been a pet – especially since we found he had already been neutered! We all still wonder how he ended up there. We think he had either been stolen or the puppymiller had taken him in response to one of those “Free to Good Home” ads. Although we are glad we were able to get this baby out, we know there are many family pets that end up in puppymills.

Anyway, on a happier note, we were excited to receive a recent update (3/10/05) from Charlie’s family. As you can see by the new picture, Charlie is quite the fancy poodle now! Isn’t he gorgeous? Anyway, his family reports that he is doing great, although extremely spoiled. He has to have a pillow on the bed at night or he won’t go to sleep. He gets along well with the other dogs and will even play a little with Annie, the family’s standard poodle. He likes to chase after her barking like crazy. He is really friendly and likes to meet new people. His favorite thing to do is lay on the steps in the sun. As you can see, Charlie’s life has sure taken a turn for the better. Thank you, Stan and Ramie, for adopting our little boy – you’re the greatest!

Charlie and Raimie